Websites developed to your specification

Often a standard web site based on a popular open source platform (like Magento, for example) isn’t sufficient or suitable for the needs of every business. Sometimes you need something that’s been tailored specifically for you. In this event, you can always depend on swenLink. Our highly experienced UK based in-house design team has been providing often complex but user-friendly bespoke web development for over 17 years.

With a bespoke web design from swenLink, there are no constraints due to the functional limitations of standard platforms. If your web site needs full back office integration, for example, we can design a solution that accommodates your needs, both now and in the future.

We utilise development practices using a combination of open source software and agile development practices that allow us to build fast prototypes that can be evolved with client engagement. We employ the best practices in web development including HTML 5, responsive design and continuous integration. Our solutions range from business workflow solutions to customer facing ecommerce store fronts.

In short, our skilled team can enhance your business and achieve much more by designing a unique web site specifically for you.

Web design services

  • Brochure websites

  • Microsites.

  • Ecommerce

  • Blogs

  • CMS

  • Social networking